Official Booking Page of Mirissa Beach Hostel, Mirissa

Best Price Guaranteed

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Jul 2024
Check out
Jul 2024

Mirissa Beach Hostel, Mirissa, Sri Lanka

From Matara you need take bus to Weligama/ Galle and get off at Udupila Road Junction (opposite Mirissa Beach), from here take Udupila Road and walk on same for about 700 meters. You will find our Name Board on your left hand side. Turn left from here on small by road and we are right there


Mirissa Beach Hostel,
Mirissa, Sri Lanka.

Check-in Policy

Check-in time: None

Check-out time: None

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Why Book Directly on Our Website

We would like you to book directly at our website. Only then we can guarantee you these services.

  • Best available rate guaranteed
  • No hidden taxes & charges
  • Flexible cancellation policy
  • Exclusive offers & packages